Project Name: Ekbatan Mega Mal

Project Name: Ekbatan Mega MalStatus: Executed

Project Name: Ekbatan Mega Mal
Status: Executed
Client: Armeh No
Location: Iran, Tehrn, Ekbatan, Phase 2, Saremi Sq., Mega Mal Project
Contract Issue: Materials and equipment transportation and wall construction through the reinforced soil method approved by the Emco Iran Consulting Co. and according to the shop drawings
Stabilization Method: Nailing and reinforced soil walls execution

Geotechnical Design and Solution Ground Improvement Deep Foundation Earth Retention Grouting Technology Injection System Excavation and Stablization Seepage Control Slope Stabilisation Rapid Impact Compaction Deep Soil Mixing Micropile Shotcrete Anchor and Soil Nail Diaphragm Wall Secant Piles Wall Deep Dynamic Compaction Rock fall and avalanche Barrier Sheet pile wall


Project Name: Marjan St.

Project Name: Marjan St.

Status: Executed

Project Name: Chabahar

Project Name: Chabahar

Status: Finished in Autumn 2016