Soil Nailing

Soil NailingSoil nailing is a passive method for stabilizing deep excavations and steeply lands. This method can provide enough safety factors against any possible rupture limits during and after excavation and also limits the ground movements and sometimes is applied for strengthening existing unstable ground.


Reinforced Earth

Reinforced Earth

This method is highly innovative for building Earth walls. It creates masterpiece engineering walls which are totally compatible with the nature and green texture of urban areas.

Rapid Impact Compaction

Rapid Impact Compaction

Rapid Impact Compaction (RIC) is an ideal method for increasing soil compaction and bearing capacity and reducing the settlement and the risk of liquefaction in loose Sands. This method is fast and economical and is environmental friendly.

Geotechnical Design

Geotechnical Design

Choosing correct and effective solutions usually need a great experience in this field. Although considering the available techniques would lead to certain solutions, but wrong solutions may result in disaster. After choosing the right solutions, next step will be utilizing the proper and patented software to design the details and compare the feasible techniques.