
SearchAnchor and Soil Nail

Rapid Impact Compaction

Rapid Impact Compaction

Rapid Impact Compaction (RIC) is an ideal method for increasing soil compaction and bearing capacity and reducing the settlement and the risk of liquefaction in loose Sands. This method is fast and economical and is environmental friendly.

Reinforced Earth

Reinforced Earth

This method is highly innovative for building Earth walls. It creates masterpiece engineering walls which are totally compatible with the nature and green texture of urban areas.

Project Name: Monako

Project Name: Monako

Status: Executed

Project Name: Marjan St.

Project Name: Marjan St.

Status: Executed

Project Name: Mr Dehkordi’s Biulding
Project Name: Sepehr Beach Biulding
Project Name: Abadan – Kianmehr Commercial Complex
Project Name: Piruzi Subway Station
Deep Dynamic Compaction

Deep Dynamic Compaction

This method is one of the most economical and rapid methods for compacting ground to tolerate safely the weight of constructions and reservoir tanks and so on. This method effectively increases soil bearing capacity and reduces the settlement without any extra inclusion and also is ideal for mega scale projects.



Caissons are huge semi deep concrete foundation which provide enough balance and stability for its superstructure and usually is embedded on a previously improved ground. It is also applicable to use replaced granular soil to act as in minor concentrated loose sands.

Soil Nailing

Soil Nailing

Soil nailing is a passive method for stabilizing deep excavations and steeply lands. This method can provide enough safety factors against any possible rupture limits during and after excavation and also limits the ground movements and sometimes is applied for strengthening existing unstable ground.

Soil Anchorage

Soil Anchorage

Soil anchorage is an active method for stabilizing inclined lands and excavations. In this method soil wall is drilled up to 20 cm and to enough depth, then preassemble steel reinforcement is placed in the drilled hole and the cement bass grout is injected in the hole. Then it is activated by prestressing hydraulic jacks to stabilize the excavation and incline lands.

Diaphragm Walls

Diaphragm Walls

Diaphragm walls are continues adjacent concrete walls to reduce mainly the underground water seepage and apart of engineering load-bearing elements to stabilize deep excavations with a strong vertical facing.



Shotcrete is a process of spraying concrete to the soil faced walls to create a concrete facing for reducing erosion and weathering of soil and rock. Also it is a structural part in soil stabilizing methods and tunneling as well. It could be reinforced by steel or PP fibers and steel wire mesh.

Deep Soil Mixing

Deep Soil Mixing

Deep soil mixing (DSM) is a method in which the soil is mechanically mixed with adhesive binders to increase the strength and bearing capacity of under laying soil to the desired depth. Depending on the soil and water table situation the wet or dry methods are applicable.

Rock fall and Avalanche Barrier

Rock fall and Avalanche Barrier

Different types of barriers are used to avoid mortal results of falling large and small rock or debris. Determining the determination of the potential falling rock weights and the calculation of the impact energy is the key point to decide the type of the barrier.

Sheet Pile Walls

Sheet Pile Walls

Sheet pile walls are usually installed to support temporarily or permanently the excavations in unstable soils. In large depth the sheet piles are usually supported from lateral movements by anchorage or reciprocal supports.

Top-Down Construction Method

Top-Down Construction Method

Top-down method is a rapid method which enables builders to construct the substructure and superstructure simultaneously. Likewise it is used as an excavation stabilization method in cases where you can’t or you are not allowed to use the other geotechnical methods such as soil nailing and soil anchorage.

Geotechnical Design

Geotechnical Design

Choosing correct and effective solutions usually need a great experience in this field. Although considering the available techniques would lead to certain solutions, but wrong solutions may result in disaster. After choosing the right solutions, next step will be utilizing the proper and patented software to design the details and compare the feasible techniques.

Soil Improvement

Soil Improvement

Soil improvement is a pack of solutions to help the soil to tolerate the applied loads and conditions in a safe and determined manner. Solutions like compaction and RIC and stone columns, soil replacement, drainage, grouting, soil mixing and so on, are mainly used in this regard.

Project Name: Helal Ozgol

Project Name: Helal Ozgol

Status: In Progress

Project Name: Chabahar

Project Name: Chabahar

Status: Finished in Autumn 2016

Project Name: Excavation & Stabilization of mechanized parking
Project Name: Excavation & Stabilization of Gerat Cavity
Project Name: Asayesh

Project Name: Asayesh

Status: Executed in spring 2016

Project Name: Niaraky Micro-Pile

Project Name: Niaraky Micro-Pile

Status: Executed in autumn 2016

Project Name: Valiasr Crossroad
Project Name: Farahzadi-Commercial, Administrative and Cultural Complex
Project Name: Mehr Tower - Kian Pars, Ahvaz
Project Name: Non-Leveled Intersection of Naderi

Total 39  records . Showing 1 to 30 of 39